Day 55, It's been a while
I don’t know about you, but my mind has been racing with ideas lately. I have started dreaming and writing down a few business ideas, I have begun another course, and I have been doing some transformations around the house since we will not be travelling for what I feel is a while. Finally spending money on doors and floors! If you follow me, you know that I would rather spend our money on travel than house items. I do hope that we are able to travel within the borders of Canada this year and that a week-long jaunt to the East Coast can happen! BUT that is all to be determined! Are you dreaming about your next trip? Are you just getting through the day and taking it one at a time? Or is it just me?!!
I have not been working as much. My full-time job was dissolved due to recent events, and my part-time job as a travel advisor is also on hold, as we can’t travel!! This is leaving me with time on my hands, and I don’t do well when I am idle! It is so odd that we can have such good intentions for the day or week and then suddenly it’s Wednesday and then Friday and well, it starts all over again! Sam is working more hours than usual out of the basement office. It has been great seeing him throughout the day and I have been loving having the kids around. I do have a new nickname, Doris the lunch lady! I am preparing more meals, much like everyone, and we are eating together as a family.
I don’t have tricks or tips to share to make the days go faster or shorter or to make them more bearable. I am just plugging through each day, which every day feels different as I don’t have a routine, and truthfully right now, I don’t want one. I do wish that my time could be spent with one of my best friends who is home and working hard at kicking cancers butt. But I stay home, I try to keep my chin up, and keep busy! I snap chat too much, scroll my social feeds too much and likely just lay around too much! What I don’t do is dwell on my future, that I don’t have a plan, cause that is not going to help me sleep at night! I do try to yoga and take time to savour what I have, to have gratitude and to reach out to different people every day to connect.
We have had some brief driveway visits with some friends, keeping our distance. It is not easy. I am a hugger and leaving them not hugging them is almost harder than not seeing them at all. It feels so off to me. I have found that writing has helped, many little posts that I created don’t make the cut. Either I feel that they are too melancholy or to private. That my blog is to be travel-focused, and that this grounded series is something different, with more feeling maybe. Maybe it will grow organically as this time continues. Maybe it won’t… either way, it’s cool with me, cause that is currently how I roll!!