
Camping with teenagers…

Who knew we needed more chill time

The kids said yesterday they needed more chill time. More of doing nothing. Let me break down our day for you. We went on a jaunt on our boat, sitting. We took a stroll along the beach, hunting for beach glass and cool stones, strolling pace. We had dinner with friends at a park, sitting. Other than some drive time and two trips to Timmies for them, I felt the day was pretty chill. My chill and their chill clearly do not have the same meaning.

On a side note, I felt sad that all the teenagers just sat there, eating pizza, quietly. When I was a kid, we would have eaten then taken off as a group, even not knowing each other well, we certainly were not going to just sit there with our parents. We would have drummed up some shenanigans to pass the time. This shift makes me sad.

For me chill time is strolling along the beach while the waves crash in. Letting my mind wonder, feeling free of deadlines and commitments. It is sitting with friends and enjoying each others’ stories while sharing a meal, outdoors in the fresh air. This to me is the most relaxing activities I believe I can do. I sleep because I need to, not because I want to lay in the camper or a tent and enjoy the inside of those shelters!

Today is a sunny day. I have promised them more chill time. I hope this means we can do a hike and sit on the beach. I hope that they do not want to lay in their beds and sleep or screen time away an hour.

I have been up for two and half hours. I am on my second cup of coffee! Normally I would have walked two kilometers to the lake by now, gotten my feet wet and played with the dog. I would have plans set with my husband as to what we are doing today and what we want to see. Sam (my husband) arrives tonight, and perhaps I will feel like my routine is back, that my person who does things with me is here. Because right now, as a mom, I feel I need to hang here on the site with the sleeping teenagers. Waiting for them to rise, to have fun with me, to chill with.

Oh wait, more laying around! Forget that! Chill to them equals doing nothing physically. Chill to me means relaxing, hanging out, not working our day jobs. Maybe the word chill has changed. Maybe it is a generational thing where it meant having fun, and now means being horizontal!

The Urban Dictionary has chill listed like this: 1. Hangout 2. Relax 3. Stop doing something

Stop doing something. There it is. I have used the word chill when someone needs to stop for a moment and regroup mentally, when they need to physically slow down. Like the phrase “take a chill pill man.” The teenagers use it literally to stop doing.

Well this mama is ready to get her move on. I am going to give them another 30 mins and then wake em up! I have places to relax at, I want my time to let my mind drift and they are old enough that I should not be waiting around for them to get their butts moving for me to have my time! This mama is going to go chill by the water!

Make sure you get some mental rest and let your mind chill!

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